Old Rtube releases:
(Recent release)
Download: Rtube1.6.5 Windows installer for Windows or Linux(Wine)
(22,3MB installed:55MB) (21-08-2011) (Windows administrator)
(Use the version below if you don't have windows-adminstrator rights.)
Download: Rtube1.6.5 ZIP/Portable application for Windows,Linux or Mac OS X
(22,4MB, no install) (21-08-2011)
Howto install Rtube on Windows/Linux/Mac OS X without installer.
Rtube 1.6.5 Firefox add-on:
Download: Rtube1.6.5 for Mozilla Firefox
(8,3MB installed: 9MB) (17-06-2011)
New features:
- Browser with Download "detection" (Visit a webpage, and download all the media!)
This HTTP downloader allows you to download ALL the http/https-streams- Open .flv,.swf,.mp4,.ogg,.ogv or .wav filetypes and website-links, from your windows explorer or linux/mac commandline
- Create a custom download folder. (no more downloading to the desktop)
- Added setting to connect with VLC media player (for future use in combination with remote algorithms)
- Change your user-agent
- Improved interface
- Added shortcutkeys: ESC/F11:fullscreen, PGdown/PGup: play next/previous video
- Many other small new features and bugfixes ...
Download: Rtube1.6.2 Windows installer for Windows or Linux(Wine)
(22,9MB installed:55MB) (08-06-2011) (Windows administrator)
(Use the version below if you don't have windows-adminstrator rights.)
Download: Rtube1.6.2 ZIP/Portable application for Windows,Linux or Mac OS X
(22,4MB, no install) (08-06-2011)
Howto install Rtube on Windows/Linux/Mac OS X without installer.
Experimental: Rtube 1.6.3 Firefox add-on:
Download: Rtube1.6.3 for Mozilla Firefox
(8,3MB installed: 9MB) (17-06-2011)
New features:
- Browser with Download "detection" (Visit a webpage, and download all the media!)
This HTTP downloader allows you to download ALL the http/https-streams- Open .flv,.swf,.mp4,.ogg,.ogv or .wav filetypes and website-links, from your windows explorer or linux/mac commandline
- Create a custom download folder. (no more downloading to the desktop)
- Added setting to connect with VLC media player (for future use in combination with remote algorithms)
- Change your user-agent
- Improved interface
- Added shortcutkeys: ESC/F11:fullscreen, PGdown/PGup: play next/previous video
- Many other small new features and bugfixes ...
Download: Rtube1.5.4 Windows installer for Windows or Linux(Wine)
19,2MB (installed: 45MB) - (12-05-2011) (Windows administrator)
(Use the version below if you don't have windows-adminstrator rights.)
Download: Rtube1.5.4 NoInstall/ZIP for Windows or Linux or Mac OS X
18,8MB (no install) - (12-05-2011) (Needs Firefox (or XULRunner))
No install or administrator privileges needed.
Howto install Rtube on Windows/Linux/Mac OS X without installer.